Help CSGO Warzone not Opened

Same problem here, just scanned my game for new updates, and the crash reason (according to Windows 7) is from the "client_panorama.dll", a file that I saw downloading during this update today. Nontheless, I saw servers full of players, meaning that the majority is NOT facing any issue(s) whatsoever, it's a minority and we are part of it.

Any quick fixes are welcome, thanks in advance guys !
The problem is currently being taken care of, kindly show a little bit of patience so both us and WaRzOnE's dev team are ensuring the best experience. The game will be back in no time, just wait for it
how mutch we must wait becouse thats suck that i cant play my fav game nosteam with servers and get banned on 2 accs
You can buy csgo on steam store and you should be able to play on warzone servers if you want to really play badly